Monday, November 23, 2009


Hey guys---I need your help!
:: I am trying to figure out why more people do not buy more printables online--not just from me but in general? What do you think is stopping them? Are printers the issue? Is it prices? ::

I am new at this so I could use all the help I can get to understand the customer better. So in exchange for your help---- I am giving away one of the 3 party printables from my shop! And get this---not only am I picking 1 random winner--I am picking 2 winners this time! Ha!
To enter the giveaway you must do the following:

(1) Please leave me a comment answering my question from above
(2) WRITE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS along with your comment if not included in your profile -that way I can contact you to let you know if you won!
(3) Please leave your comments by Dec. 5. I will pick TWO winners using on Dec. 6.
(4) ONE entry per person please! Duplicate entries will be deleted. Good luck!

Your help is much appreciated! OK--I am off to plan out new free printables coming soon :)


  1. My guess would be that they (I) are intimidated by the time it may take and psych themselves (myself) out with thoughts they (I) can't cut them out correctly/neatly enough. And I've noticed with inkjets the paper comes out "wet" and it's disappointing (unless you have the right paper which I'm not sure what kind is the right paper.) Preprinted stuff is just so much nicer and sturdier. And I'm not sure it's something anyone really thinks about. You know they (printables) are out there, but it's usually after you could have used them. That's my two cents anyway.... good luck, your designs are quite lovely

  2. Hi from Spain :)

    My english is sooooooo band, so I hope I can explain you and you can understand me LOL

    I think the problem is the print, for example, my printer is a bad cheap printer, so I cant print in my home and I have to pay to print. Maybe that's is the problem. Have you try to sell your work printed? You can try it ;)

    Hugs from Spain and sorry for my bad english :)

  3. i personally do not have a printer so i have to do my printing at my mom's house and she is always complaining about the cost of ink so that's kinda my issue. i may be more apt to purchase "printables" if i had my own printer.

  4. I personally love printables and look there first for items, but I tend to have the same problems. Home printers vary greatly and it's so dispaointing to see something great on screen and then it not come out looking right from your printer. Also, some of us (speaking of myself) are cutting challenged. I think this has been mentioned, but the fear of not getting the right materials or thinking that they would be hard to find. I know I didn;t offer any solutions, but I just thought I would share. I love your stuff!

  5. I would personally buy more pdf printables if I had a better printer. Right now I only have a b&w laser printer and a color laser seems to costly right now. Plus, I'd have to buy better paper to print stuff on and cut everything out...

  6. I think, based on my experience, that part is also because there are also bad printables out there. Maybe somebody also tried with some of them and had not such a nice result. Also I have to say that it can be challenging if you don't have the right tools to cut for example round shapes or shape that you normally do with a puncher.
    In addition, I think that a lot of time people are not so fantasious on how they can use these printables, unless you show with pictures what to do with them. This is probably why stationary set or party set are the most sold ones. Maybe it could be useful to come up with some ideas and make pictures of the results. Sometimes we are willing to put time to cut, but not time to think, or simply we are just not so fantasious. What do you think?
    Ilenia from

  7. I'm a printable user and keep my eye out for things when I need them or know a need is coming. My printer is also an issue as is purchasing paper but I've put my toe in the water a few times to have it work out so I'm getting a bit more brave about it. Your work is so much fun and if I had a little girl, I'd be all over 99% of what you do! I do try to recommend people with your talent to my sister & sister-in-law (they have younger kids) whenever I can but I think people are still just wading into the whole printable idea. One thing I keep wanting to do is a cost comparison. Some printables come with items I'd never use or probably wouldn't use so I have to figure out the cost of the file, the paper to print, the ink and my time. Most of the time I still come out ahead (especially considering I end up with something unique - you can't find it in the stores) but that isn't always the case. Hope it helps!

  8. I have only recently found printables - and just love the convenience of buying them online and receiving them soon after. This particularly reduces the shipping time and costs (I shouldn't leave things to the last minute!!!) and the chance of items being lost in the post. I am more likely to buy from overseas merchants as there seems to be a much bigger market for printables - I'm sure it will catch on here in Australia soon!

    Now for the reasons why people might not buy printables - they don't have a good enough printer, colours online often look different when printed - and therefore may not be happy with the finished result, the availability of the most appropriate paper/card, not only the printing - but cutting of the items - for example paper dolls and clothes - will these look as good if I cut them?!?!?!?!

    Good luck!!!

  9. I am not sure that a good amount of people know about the printables. Even I stumbled upon your shop, but of course, instantly fell in love with the cute designs. Then, I would have to agree with some of the other comments - it's our at home printers. (It's not you, it's me) My printer just isn't that great. I love your designs!

  10. Hi,
    your prices are quite affordable, so this is not the problem. I guess it´s just the fear that their printer will not print in the perfect quality.
    I myself enjoy purchasing digital files online, it saves a lot of time and shipping costs (I live in Germany).
    Please keep up your wonderful work!


  11. I think a lot of people are intimidated and think they need training for the printables. I also think there is a concern with the price of printer ink and the quality of their printer. I emailed my best friend a link to your Thanksgiving printables because I know she would love to use them for her table settings on Turkey Day and the first thing she said to me was, "Can my printer really do that?" Of course it can, she has an HP All-In-One which is perfectly capable. Hope that helps :)

  12. I love your printables!
    And you are so lovely.
    Thanks for the giveaways.
    I hope win this time, rs!!

  13. I think they are afraid of the printing and cutting phase :).
    Still best luck with your shop. You have some lovely designs

  14. I think we are afraid of using the wrong paper, not having the correct tools to cut the paper and that our printer may not be the best quality. I think the prices are usually very good.

  15. I think it's because people don't know you can print your own party kit. I'm a paper crafter, but I didn't know such thing existed till this summer, hehe.
    Love your creations!

  16. Hi!!

    I think along with everyone else's great suggestions that it is also down to pure laziness! Some people can't be bothered to print, cut, glue etc themselves (although personally I love any kind of DIY project!!) Some people are just too busy and maybe would rather get it sent straight in the mail ready to go!

    Love your work! Hope this helps :)
    Mel x

  17. a few things... the ink, yes. there are a lot of FREE things out there (though not nearly as CUTE as your stuff!!) so people may not want to spend money. i myself am just a very frugal (cheap) individual, so its hard for me to spend any kind of money on anything. just wanted to share, dont count me in the drawing as i am happily drooling over the wonderful gifts you sent me in the last drawing!! im off to post about that on my blog right now!!

  18. Hi!!
    I love your printables!!
    The princess is adorable.
    Thanks for the giveaways.

  19. Honestly, I hadn't caught on to printables from you (my fave) and others online until very recently. Now I see the fun and options they offer me.

    I believe more people just need to hear about them (and I've been telling other mom's I know!) and realize how fun and easy they really are.

    Another obsticle is the price of ink for printers... this may deter them some (clearly not me haha)

    Anyhow good luck!

  20. I think people are maybe intimidated that they may somehow mess it up. I've just recently discovered your printables and I must say, I'm very impressed!

  21. I rarely buy printables as I'm conscious of saving paper and ink (environmental)... when i do buy printables I don't like to use lots of ink.

    I found your site as I was looking for email stationary to buy.

  22. I personally think the reasons why some people choose to buy ready-to-use party kits (like those in the party shops) instead of PDF printables are because:

    1. I agree with some of the comments before. Not a lot people know about printables. I didn't even know that they exist until a few weeks ago. Printables are obviously recognized in the blogging community. I've seen a lot of posts about them. But those that don't blog or don't read blogs, may never know about printables, unless they are told or they luckily bumped into some.

    2. Some people are very familiar with ebay and amazon, but not Etsy. And a lot of printables are sold on Etsy. Plus you've to register as an Etsy member before you can make any purchase and maybe some people just can't be bothered.

    3. Some people, like me, are not that crafty and while assembling your own party kits may be easy for experienced crafter, for me the thought is just a bit daunting. I don't know if I can assemble them all well. I don't cut things well. LOL

    4. I'm having a party soon and have actually thought of giving printable a try, but the designs out there are mostly for kids' parties. I don't have kids and as much as I love your Princess design, I don't think I can use them. Maybe you should design a party kit for adults. Something that's still as cute but doesn't look too childish? Those super cute kawaii stuffs may work.

    5. I think a lot of people are not sure on what kind of paper to use. Also, ink is so costly now.

    I hope my comment can help you. Sorry that it's sooo long. LOL

    I don't see any problem in your designs. You are so talented and I love looking at your work. It's just that a lot of people have not caught on to the idea yet.

    my email:

  23. There's already a lot said and on some points I agree. I also think that a lot of people think a printable is too much work and will take too much time and they are afraid they will do something wrong or that cutting will be too hard.

    Besides that there's a lot of free stuff out there.

    Linette, I love your stuff!

  24. I think that you could sell more if you told people what they can do with them other then just print them on paper like print them on to fabric like I do and sew with them or print them on to sticker paper and make stickers. What about using them to decoupage something? Paper is so fleeting but there are more permanent things you can make with these kinds of designs and in this day and age maybe people want to spend money on more tangible stuff?

    I adore your work and do have lots of crafty plans for them.

  25. Hi, well in my particular case, I live in Argentina, and I have many reasons why I haven´t bought anything like this yet, strange since I love your work and also fancy printable parties from one or two other designers out there, but I have to say that printing at home is very expensive here, since every cartridge is about 35 USD or so, and also here we are not very much used to writing our credit card info on the web.
    Also I think it´s because most of the time children´s birthdays are done in places that give you everything (supplies) so you don´t have to bring anything.
    I´m planning to have my older girl´s birthday at home next year so I believe getting a set would come SOOOO handy! Specially with your lovely work!
    I hope I was of some help anyway!

  26. I think some people are worried about the price of the ink, especially if there are lots of blobks of colours, plus they probably worry about how the quality of their printer. I think having a small item for free to have a go at would help them decide to purchase more. I bought your Kawaii Girl Stationery set in the past and it came out really well on my printer
    My email is lisajhoney at yahoo dot com


  27. I love printables as you can use them over and over! My printer print beautifully after I tweaked the settings etc. I use matte coated paper from my local supermarket. I recently came across you shop and love your designs...they are beautiful :) Bonnie Marriott x

  28. I've recently found the printables as I'm getting ready for my wedding next summer and my biggest issue is that some of the things I download must be in a different program than I have because when I open them the printable is all mixed up. That's my thoughts, some I've found open okay but I've had a number that don't.

  29. here I am, from ITALY!
    thisi is my mail
    mammachecucina at gmail dot com

  30. My daughter & I absolutely LOVE your designs! They are right up our alley! For me, it's a matter of the amount of color ink the printables use up. Then there's having the cardstock & cutting them out precisely. It's all very time consuming & it's simply cheaper to just buy the item.

  31. Hi Linnette! I've been buying printables for a couple of years and I look for fun and unique designs (which is why I'm a fan of your work) and ease of use. I tend to make things en masse, like for party favors or teachers' treats, so it's important that the items are easy to print, cut, and assemble. No intricate details to cut, minimal x-acto knife use. Your sweet shop box is so thoughtful; you made a scissors-only design and an x-acto one. Your Thanksgiving basket was one of the best-designed projects ever! The large glue tabs lined up with the body of the basket, so I just had to make one long score and two short ones for easy folding. Plus, the turkey design had lots of white space which saved ink. (That's a big plus since a combo of color and black ink cartridges costs nearly $60 for my basic, old Hp printer. However, your colors are so brilliant and the images so crisp that I can use an economy setting and still get pretty results.) You are super sweet to provide freebies to sample too. I wonder if it would be easier for fans to follow you on one blog instead of two. Perhaps your fans would also like to share their projects on a Flickr page for Paperglitter designs. I would love to see other people's creations with your designs. I think you're doing everything right: easy, darling, handmade projects at very affordable prices. Now we just need to get the word out. Best wishes!

  32. Hi well my 2 cents about this goes along with mostly everybody else in that there are soo many people that are not aware of the existence of printables. I didn't even know about etsy until a couple of months ago and fell in love with all of the one of a kind goodies.
    I think the other reason would just be laziness. I like to make my greeting cards and when someone sees what I went through to make it they look at me like I'm crazy. I know that some people say that it would be too hard to "make" something, not knowing that it's really easy.
    Personally I don't have a problem with the printing. I think if you have the type of printer that has different ink cartridges then it's not as bad to replace.
    I also scrapbook and I think you should also point out that all your items are scrapbook worthy. Scrapbooking is popular and your tags and collage items are perfect.
    Thanks for all the cuties!

  33. Hi there! I love, love your printables. I purchased the paper doll for my daughter and she has tons of fun with it. I think more people don't buy pritables because it's a relatively new thing. A lot of people are getting into DIY crafts, so I think as the word gets out more people may be interested. I also am sure that time, ink costs and the fear that it won't look just like the picture are part of the problem. Thanks for your awesome work and good luck!
    justaduck at

  34. Giveaway contest is now closed. To find out who won, check it out here:

  35. Hello there!
    so, after asking a bunch of crafty friends and family your question, I have a few answers.
    1) as mentioned by alot of your followers, alot of people do not have the best quality printer.
    2) some people simply dont know where to start or what to DO with things they print off online, free or otherwise. (I love the new tips you have been putting up lately, giving me all kinds of ideas!!)
    3) paying for a paper product online and then being responsible for printing it out in the quality you have come to expect from the craft store or pre printed products you buy online can be DAUNTING. hard enough to get around paying for something you havent seen/touched in person, but then to have to print it up yourself and hope it comes out the way you want, well its too much for some people.
    Not me, having just started with the online printables, I am finding it so exciting to be able to print and use as I want! loving the editable products you are offering now, being able to customize text or other things on the printable before printing is a great option! have you seen the new cricut imagine machine?? if not, you might want to check it out, what a great idea- a machine that allows you to customize and then prints AND cuts, now all they need is printables like yours and I am in heaven!
    Jenn Post
