Friday, July 23, 2010

Back to School Stuff!

The elves at PaperGlitter are working overtime! We are preparing a cute as can be Back to School Kit (coming soon!). But in the meantime, I am happy to introduce this cute as can be collage sheet! Place on scrapbook pages, crafts, paste on cards, add on scrapbook pages, paste on a string to make a lovely mobile, print on label paper and make stickers or anything else your creative and crafty self can think of! All of the icons I designed myself and thought I would go a little more kawaii this time! What do you think? You can get your collage sheet for only $3 at the shop!


  1. Very cute back to school collage. Kids will love these.

  2. i love this! it makes the thought of going back to school more exciting and fun! :)

  3. I so want them!!!! They are just tooo cute!!!
    Now I want to throw another back to school party!

    I will post about them because they are too nice!

    Ilenia from

  4. This is very creative my personal favorite is pencil with smiley face..

  5. Where can I buy one?

  6. Where can I buy one?
