Tuesday, September 7, 2010

++Tips++ Shadow Box Collage

I have started a ++Tips++ album in the PaperGlitter's Facebook page where I will be posting photos with quick tips on how to use printables. I have decided to also post the photos here for your information and enjoyment! ^____^ Here is today's album post! What do you think?


  1. WAT A GENIUS IDEA! Thank your for sharing!!!

  2. Really cute idea. I'll have to remember it.

  3. Such an awesome idea and a great way to remember a special birthday for years to come! Thanks so much for sharing some tips

  4. what a great idea! i definitely want to do this.

  5. Thank you ladies! This is a real piece by the way. It is from my baby girl's birthday. She did not have a full "party" as only her grandparents were there but her momma went all out with the paper goodies anyways!

  6. And yes, I sent invitations to her grandparents even though it was just a cutting of the cake celebration! It was a fabulous and memorable day ^____^

  7. OMG LOVE it! whata great idea! I always try to get the most out of my products, often reusing them over and over. thanks for this idea, cant wait to use it! planning a halloween version now!

  8. You are welcome Noblekatt! Send me a link if you ever post it--I LOVE shadow box collages! People put the most interesting things in them ^__^
